Glossary of the Kassensicherungsverordnung

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: May 7th, 2024

There are a lot of terms concerning the Kassensicherungsverordnung in Germany. Keep the overview with this glossary!

Cash security regulation (=Kassensicherungsverordnung)

From 01.01.2020 the Kassensicherungsverordnung (KassenSichV) will apply in Germany. It stipulates that all cash registers must be equipped with a technical security device to protect the basic digital records of companies from manipulation. Furthermore, the obligation to issue receipts and the obligation to notify is introduced. The DSFinV-K applies to the archiving and provision of cash register data.


see cash security regulation

DSFinV-K (digital interface of the financial administration for cash register systems)

Via the digital interface of the tax authorities for cash register systems (DSFinV-K), all relevant records of your cash register are provided in a report for the tax authorities in a uniform format that applies to all types of electronic cash registers. In addition, your cash register data is archived in a tamper-proof manner.

Duty of notification

Within the framework of the KassenSichV, the legislator obliges you to inform him electronically at the latest one month after the purchase of a new cash register that you use a cash register. Currently, the legislator grants a postponement of the notification period for old equipment and new purchases until it provides an electronic form of transmission. As soon as this is possible, this entry will be updated.

Exemption from the obligation to issue documents

As an entrepreneur, you have the possibility to be exempted from the obligation to issue receipts in the event of particular hardship. This is possible, for example, if you sell goods or services to many unknown persons. The costs incurred by you for the issue of receipts per se are not considered a reason for this. You submit the application to the tax office responsible for you. 

Obligation to issue receipts

The obligation to issue receipts is a requirement within the framework of the KassenSichV. It means that you have to offer each of your guests a receipt. It is up to you whether you offer the voucher classically in paper form or digitally, for example by e-mail. The guest decides whether he/she takes the receipt with him/her. How you handle the receipt output with the orderbird cash register, you can find out here: How to prepare for the Kassensicherungsverordnung 2020

Online TSE

In order to continue working in compliance with the new requirements of the KassenSichV, orderbird offers you an online TSE. This means that you do not need to connect additional hardware to your cash register. Instead, the individual records of your cash register are stored securely and tamper-proof online. All you have to do is upgrade via

Technical security device (TSE/TSS)

The technical security device (German abbreviation TSE (short for "Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung" or TSS (Technical Safety System)) stores all individual records of your cash register and protects them securely against subsequent manipulation. Within the framework of the KassenSichV, all cash registers must be equipped with a TSE. 


German abbreviation for "Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung". For more information, see Technical security device (TSE/TSS)


English abbreviation for "Technical Safety System". For more information, see Technical security device (TSE/TSS)

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