What are the technical requirements for TSS?

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: May 7th, 2024

In order to connect the Online-TSS to your cash register, you must meet two technical requirements. Otherwise, the Online-TSS will not function securely nor can it log the sales data of your cash register in a legally compliant way.

Here is a checklist with which you can check whether you meet the two requirements.

Your TSS Checklist

1. Have you installed at least orderbird App 7.4.1 on all your Apple devices?

The Online-TSS only works with orderbird version 7.4.1 or higher. We therefore ask you to install the latest version of the orderbird app on all your Apple devices first.

  1. This way you can check which version of orderbird POS you have just installed.
  2. How to update to the latest orderbird POS version.

Minimum requirement orderbird 7.4.1

If you work with multiple devices, all devices must have at least orderbird 7.4.1 installed. Otherwise, the Online-TSS cannot be installed. Furthermore, synchronization problems may occur.

If your Apple device does not offer you an update to orderbird app version 7.4.1 or higher, please check the next point.


2. Have you installed at least iOS version 12.3 as an operating system on your Apple devices?

Make sure that you have at least iOS version 12.3 or higher installed on your Apple devices: How to update the iOS on your Apple devices.

Here you can also find out which Apple devices are compatible with orderbird POS and get more information on how and if you can update the iOS on your Apple devices: Which Apple devices and iOS versions are compatible with orderbird PRO?

If you have an up-to-date iOS installed on your Apple devices and have downloaded the latest orderbird App version and still cannot connect to the Online-TSS, please contact us:

3. Contact our support!

Please contact our support! This can be done very quickly by sending an e-mail to help@orderbird.com or directly using our request form here.

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