Questions regarding the use of the Pay Terminal Plus

Discover how to efficiently use the Pay Terminal Plus

Written by Ilaria und Ben

Last published at: September 24th, 2024

Here you can find out whether the PIN must be entered on the card reader for payment, whether the card reader can be used with several devices at the same time, or whether you can resell the card reader.

Benefit from the fully integrated card payment solution

The Pay Terminal Plus: Only available directly from orderbird – full integration, maximum benefits

Did you know that only the Pay Terminal Plus, purchased directly through orderbird, is fully integrated into your cash register system? This is the only way to optimally utilize all functions and benefit from a solution that not only simplifies your daily work but also makes it more efficient and cost-effective.

For more information, feel free to contact us at:



Does the PIN have to be entered on the card reader for payment?

No. However, if you absolutely need this option, you can contact Nexi Germany directly by telephone for a solution: 069 79224060.

Can I use the card reader with several devices at the same time?

Yes, you can find out how to do this here: Can I pair my Pay Terminal Plus with multiple Apple devices? 

Can I resell my card reader?

In principle, yes! If at some point you go out of business or any unforeseen situations arise in your business; the hardware is your own, and you can sell it on if necessary.

Please note these two things before selling

  1. Please send an e-mail to so that the Pay Terminal Plus can be removed from your account. Only then can it be connected to another orderbird PRO. 
  2. If you sell it on, any remaining warranty will be voided.

What do I do, if I get an error message on my Pay Terminal Plus?

Depending on the error message, you may be able to help yourself directly. Please contact our hotline or Our support team will be happy to help you with advice and assistance. :)