Step 3.2: Become the administrator of orderbird PRO

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: March 21st, 2024

The first thing you need to do with your new cash register is to set up your administrator user.

In a nutshell

  • In the app, go to Settings > Users > Users
  • Select "Anna Admin 1234".
  • Change the name to your name/position
  • Enter a PIN that only you will know
  • Save your changes

Step by step

  1. Open the user management
    1. Tap "Settings" in the main menu, then on "User",
    2. and once again on "User".
  2. Now you can see our three standard users, Anna Admin, Tanya Team and Mark Manager. They all have the numbers "1234" in their names. This is the default PIN of every user.
  3. Change the name of the administrator
    1. Tap on the name "Anna Admin 1234".
    2. Now you can change the administrator user’s name: First tap in the field of the name "Anna Admin 1234".
    3. Tap on the little “x” in a gray circle to delete the name completely.
    4. A keyboard has already appeared. Now enter your name. For security reasons, we do not recommend using the PIN as part of the name ;)
  4. Change the PIN
    To protect the cash register from unauthorized as well as unwanted changes by other users, please assign a new PIN directly under the name field. Enter the new PIN code in the field "PIN Code" and repeat it in field "PIN Code".
    Important: Please use only numbers - no letters or special characters! You will not be able to enter them later.
  5. Save your changes
    Now tap on "Save" in the upper left corner and confirm the changes again with "Save" in the next window.

Create new users

You want to create more users? Then use the plus icon "+" on the bottom to the left.
All other users can be personalized with their name and PIN in the same way as described above.

Next step

In the next step, we will show you how to get your printers up and running.

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